Our "Lose to Win" Gamers have come together to share healthy recipes as they battle the "All American Diet". Browse through our collection of healthy recipes to get you feeling at the top of YOUR game!

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Ideas to get you started

Some yummy ideas:

4 oz potato, 2 egg whites plus one egg.  Use Pam on the pan.

½ C Oatmeal, cooked, plus 1 scoop whey protein powder, 10 almonds

Homemade whole wheat toast, 2 egg whites and one egg

An omelet with 2 whites, one egg and plenty of veggies.  If you have this often, sautee a green pepper, mushrooms and green onions ahead and portion them or keep in a container you can scoop from as needed.  Sautee in olive oil, not too much of it or you’ll have to count it as your fat.  Plus a carb.

Brown Rice (about ½ C cooked), protein, 1 C veggies, steamed together, plus a fat

½ C beans (black or kidney), protein, 1 C veggies, steamed together, and 1 T Adam’s Peanut Butter

2 thin slices w.w. bread, cooked chicken or turkey, LOTS of mustard,  lettuce & veg’s, plus a few walnuts

Big salad with cooked meat (hot or cold), ¼ an avocado, picante sauce (check ingredients), plus a carb—add beans OR have fruit or another carb.

Big salad with meat (hot or cold), drizzled with 1 T flax oil or Udo’s oil or Olive oil w/vinegar and a carb

½ C low-fat cottage cheese, ½ C beans, 5 Ak-mak crackers

½ C fat-free yogurt ¼ C frozen berries, 1 scoop whey protein powder, 1 T ground flaxseed (or leave out the flaxseed and have a different fat)

Bake a turkey breast (If you have a large crock pot, that works well), then portion out the meat (4 oz is a good serving size for me), put it in baggies and freeze it.

Cook several chicken breasts at once, season them and portion them up.    Same with other types of meat.  A good portion of beef is 3 ounces, cooked.

Make a big salad (lettuce, cabbage, carrots, radishes) and keep it available in the fridge.  Add more perishable veggies-like cucumbers and tomatoes just before you eat them.

Wash and cut up your veggies right after you bring them home.  Put them in a plastic bag with a folded paper towel inside.

Cook up brown rice in a crock pot, 2 water to one rice.  It takes about two hours, but you’ll never boil over onto the stove!  Then package ½-cup portions and freeze or refrigerate.

Whole grain noodles are available, even in Star Valley.  Just WATCH the portion size!

Bake/crock extra potatoes on Sunday and dice or grate them for morning hash browns.  4 oz is a good portion.  I know this is weird, but I like a cold baked potato with a bit of salt. 

I always mean to cook up dried beans, but the canned ones are just so convenient!  One can is three servings.  Portion them out when you open a can.  They don’t keep too long in the fridge.

When you portion out cottage cheese or yogurt & berries, do 2 or 3 at the same time.