Our "Lose to Win" Gamers have come together to share healthy recipes as they battle the "All American Diet". Browse through our collection of healthy recipes to get you feeling at the top of YOUR game!

Also feel free to check out the side bar to learn about our game and how you can feel so much better through eating right and learning a healthy lifestyle!


Michelle Warren - May 2009

Michelle - November 2011

 Michelle's Story:
"Lose to Win” is awesome in its effectiveness and simplicity.  Anyone can do it and you don’t have to buy special food or go to the gym.  You buy your food at a regular grocery store and can get your exercise in the comfort of your own home or wherever you want.  I feel that a lot of what makes “Lose to Win” successful is the fact that it works on your whole being physically and mentally. We get rid of the junk in our lives both physically and mentally and fill it with good things.  The food we eat makes us feel better almost immediately.  Exercising contributes to this as well.  We work on two habits each round which helps to improve us mentally by building our confidence and our ability to make commitments.  As a result our ability to stick with our new lifestyle increases and we are blessed with success in both areas of our lives.  When you experience success that in itself is your reward.

I have been playing Lose to Win going on 15 months. I think it is fantastic!  I started out at 284 lbs.  I lost 7 lbs the first two weeks and averaged 3  lbs a week for the first 10 months or so. My weight loss has slowed down since then.  I have however, lost a total of 115 lbs.  It has been an incredible journey.  I went from my clothes fitting looser to wearing clothes that I hadn’t worn in almost 10 years to having only 10 pounds left to lose to reach my goal weight.  I have a pair of capries and a shirt that have hung on my closet door for the last fifteen years to inspire me to lose weight.  What an awesome experience it was the day I put them on and they fit.  They are now a bit big on me.  =)  I have more energy and my ability to do things has increased tremendously.  I can actually jog –something I never thought I would ever do again.

When I first started  my exercise I walked or did aerobics.  It wasn’t a very fast walk but it was more than I had done in a long time and at least 6 out of 7 days a week.  Exercising a minimum of 6 out of 7 days a week was in and of itself a miracle.  I have always enjoyed riding my bike but had stopped riding it because I could not make it back up the hills to get back home.  Last spring I started riding it again –what a wonderful feeling, I went on bike rides with my kids and thoroughly enjoyed myself.  At the end of last summer I could cover a fair amount of ground when I walked and I could ride my bike for over an hour with non-stop pedaling with resistance such as small to medium size hills, wind etc.  It feel great!  I am looking forward to the snow melting so I can ride my bike again.  What a great feeling success is!!!  And I did it without stapling my stomach or something else drastic.

I have neglected two other very important factors that contribute to the success of the game.  The first being Connie of whom is so good at teaching us good nutrition and overall health In a way that we can all internalize the information. She cares!  She is good at taking the time to make this game so that we are all successful. :)  She literally has an interest in each and every one of us and our successes are her successes.  She works with the individual needs of us all so we can all have positive results.

The other important factor is the support we get from each other.  We live all over the country and some of us our young others more seasoned in life and anywhere in between.  We are all there for each other to give encouragement when needed and rejoice at each others progress and successes.  I don’t feel we would be successful without each other.

Knowledge is very powerful.  It has been a very educational and productive journey so far and I am definitely still learning.  It is a blessing in my life.  Lose to Win is AWESOME!!!
   Michelle Warren

  I, like others have been on the dieting roller-coaster for a really long time.  This past year I even got so desperate as to try the HCG diet.  Of course I lost weight but within a 2 months period of trying to "maintain" it the weight came right back. 

Lose to Win is all about LIFESTYLE change.  It is the change in your eating habits, exercising and thinking for everyday life.  Lose to Win is about all of you.  I love the habits.  I now take the time to correct what habits I don't like about myself and give myself time to develop new talents or just to understand myself.  Time that seems to get away from me when trying to raise a family and putting their needs above my own. 

I love lose to win because it is easy, no craziness. It is family friendly because let's face it our family is part of our life and life just happens around them.  My kids have come to love whole wheat pasta, lots of veggies and we have cut down on the amount of sugar in our house a LOT!  I want this for my children lifestyles as well as myself.  To sum it up Lose to Win teaches us how to be the very best version of ourselves because we are WORTH IT!!     Sade Phillips

Lxi After

Lxi Before

Meeting Bret from The Biggest Loser

Lxi's Story:
 I never really had to worry about my weight.  I maintained fine, and I ate junk.  I also never exercised.  I always told myself that once the junk food caught up with me that I would do something about it.  The thing I have realized is that whether I was skinny or not is not what I should base my nutritional intake on.  I was very unhealthy. 

After I had my second child, I decided that I was ready to try and lose a few pounds.  Lose to Win has been perfect for me, because it has taught me very valuable information that I can pass on to my family.  I love that the rules are very specific.  I love that there is a close-knit support group.

The first week if playing this game was very challenging for me.  Everything was so foreign.  But it didn't take long to better understand the rules.  I really do want to make this more of a lifestyle choice.  I love how I feel.  I don't want to go back.    Lxi Weber

Amanda's Story:  I have been doing LTW for almost 2 years. I met my goal weight, went out on my own and gained some back, met my goal weight again and am now trying to get brave enough to go on maintenance. I have come to the conclusion that we need to set a goal weight that is reasonable and one that we feel confident we can maintain. I was always trying to measure my success against someone else's and it didn't work very well.  I like LTW because I really don't have to think too much about it. I'm a pretty simple minded person and like simple things. Thanks Connie for introducing me to a healthier lifestyle. Amanda Welch

I'm not perfect at following Lose to Win, but when I do, the pounds melt away.  I don't think I'm losing weight, but when I weigh myself I've lost a pound here, half a pound there, and it all adds up.  One of the surprising side effects is that I'm enjoying food MORE, which is opposite of other diets, where you have to force yourself to eat certain things or to not eat.  One of the great things is that when I am done eating I don't feel STUFFED, or MISERABLE, but I feel SATISFIED!    Cathy Lind

Why do I think that Lose to Win is such a great program?   Three reasons:  simplicity, balance, and sustainability!

Simplicity—Lose to Win is simple to “play.”  We eat a wide variety of good foods that are readily available at any grocery store (Connie spells out very clearly what foods are healthiest for us, we make our own choices, and then throughout the game we’re provided with lots of great tips, recipes, and challenges to add variety!).  And, we don’t need to buy any special tools or anything, we measure with tools we already have—our palms, fists, and thumbs (can’t get any simpler than that!).

Balance—one of the things I like the best about Lose to Win is that it balances out weight loss with other areas of our life that we choose to work on.  Each round we choose a habit that we want to acquire in our life, and each round we work on a habit we want to either improve upon, or even eliminate, from our lives.  These goals are separate from our weight loss goals.  So, not only do we feel better when we look in the mirror, because the pounds keep on coming off, we feel good when we look inside of ourselves—our bodies are shrinking, as our spirits are growing!

Sustainability—with Lose to Win, we are given the knowledge, skills, and support to change our lives—throughout our lives! This "game" helps us to become the people we are striving to become. Everything that we are taught in Lose to Win is so life changing, and yet so doable. Easy really! And we are constantly given support along the way. 

Lose to Win teaches us to use simple, balanced, sustainable skills that can help us to improve all areas of our lives. I’m so glad that I’m “playing” Lose to Win.  It really works!   Jan Hyde

I am motivated to do the things that I put on the 'someday I'll do this list'. Someday I'll keep a journal,someday I'll resume exercising, someday, someday, and someday. Thanks for making this more than a weight loss plan. This is a get control of my life plan.   Karen Johnson

I had been debating doing lose to win for several months before I started to play. I kept thinking I can't do that I am too busy, my life is too crazy. Every month more and more things kept coming up and I would say next month I will start when everything slows down, but guess what?  Life never slows down. I am glad I finally just did it. I have felt better and in a lot of ways felt more in control of things because my priorities were different. I made time to exercise, I made sure I had good food to eat, I had to go bed at a good time. I love the balance of eating well and the habits. I love not just focusing on my body, but my surroundings as well. I am not going to lie and say it has been easy and every day I love it. There are times I am ready to be done, but it is because bad habits or thoughts come creeping in. It is nice to have the encouragement of others to keep you motivated and going. It is fun to be with others that want the best for you and know exactly how you feel. Overall I am glad I have been playing Lose to Win.    Michelle Bateman

Judy Before
Along the way

Dec 2011

Judy's Story:
I have fought the "battle of the bulge" most of my adult life.  I was a thin child, and between the fact that everyone said I was "too skinny" and my grandmother's wonderful baked goods, I developed a huge appetite!  I stayed thin until after my first baby was born and then magically my metabolism changed, but the sad part was that I had developed horrible eating habits over the years.  As my children came along, I put on weight so fast that I was stunned.  In just a few short years, I was seriously overweight.

During all of this time I read anything and everything about dieting.  I joined Weight Watchers a couple of times, and yo-yo dieted my way all over the weight spectrum.  I had clothes in 4 or 5 different sizes!

I had pretty much decided that I would just be a plump, happy, older woman.  But in reality, "plump" didn't equal "happy" for me.  Michelle Warren lives in the same town that I do, and I witnessed her amazing transformation over the course of many months, and I finally asked her what she was doing.  She said, "You need to talk to Connie Lancaster and join Lose to Win."  Best advice ever!!!

I joined Lose to Win last fall.  I'd like to say, "The weight just fell off from me," but it didn't.  I did lose steadily, however.  Usually I've lost around 2 pounds a week, but there have been weeks that my body has been in a holding pattern.  So far I have lost 35 pounds, but I'm not finished.  I plan to lose between 10 and 15 more pounds.

I love the Lose to Win Game for many reasons.  The eating plan is spot on, and it is so adaptable to any person, situation, or life-style.  The accountability in Lose to Win is a huge motivator for me, and I think has been a key to my success so far.  Then there's Connie - she is the most accomodating, helpful mentor/leader any group could hope to have.  She knows her stuff, but beyond that really cares about each person and their weight loss journey. 

If anyone out there struggles with weight issues, I challenge you to give Lose to Win a chance.  You won't be disappointed.  Judy Clinger Rose

I have been on the weight loss roller coaster for as long as I can remember. I honestly believe it’s passed on from generation to generation. I’ve done the Ramen Noodle diet, I’ve starved myself, I’ve tried Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, Nutri-System …If it’s out there odds are I’ve tried it. I have spent countless hours reading and planning and doing. I’ve had failure, success and failure again.

The thing is I know what needs to be done.  I know what works and I know what doesn’t work. I know what any Dr. or health profession will say. Diet alone will not help you lose weight. Oh and guess what? Exercise alone will not help you lose weight either. It’s a lifestyle choice that consists of a healthy balance between diet and exercise.

Back in December….actually December 23, 2010 I decided to get a gym membership and really commit to exercising. I chose the 23rd because I didn’t want it to be a New Year’s resolution. I’ve steadily committed myself to working out at least 5-6 days a week if not at the gym then walking in the mall or walking my dog. I even bought 12 sessions with a trainer to help guide me some.

To my surprise I didn’t lose weight I gained. Mr. J told me that it was probably due to muscle gain. Then I kept gaining and gaining I honestly put on 10 pounds since starting exercise. It was heart heartbreaking. I was frustrated and tired.

I think my saving grace was seeing Connie’s post about the Lose to Win challenge. I just recently connected back up with Connie through Facebook I knew she was doing these challenges but was hesitant because I wasn’t in the same area geographically. However, I needed more. I had my exercise down I needed to work on my nutritional challenges. I will admit it I LOVE ALL the “BAD” FOODS! So I contacted Connie to see if I could get in on the challenge.

After reading and re-reading, changing my mind about jumping on board and LOTS of questions I was ready to go. How much easier can it get five meals that include a protein, carbohydrate and healthy oil? Throw in some water, some good sleep, a few challenges & some really great motivators it just doesn’t get much easier than that.

For a solid week I completed each task I had a few hiccups but over all a really good week. I didn’t feel deprived. I actually took my vitamins every day. I’m hydrated which I am starting to see in my skin. I feel energetic. I even got a “free” day off in which I really didn’t want to be slack on but did indulge in my favorite sandwich from my favorite restaurant. OH and BONUS my scale actually went the other way. I lost weight for the first time in two months I lost instead of gained.

I thank you all for your support. I thank Connie for coming up with a guideline that is super simple that really does work. I look forward to the next few weeks and even months from now when I get my body back. When I smile as I look in the mirror. I look forward to when I delete the word diet from my vocabulary and realize it really is a lifestyle!   Kristina Eargle

About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and have hovered on the edge of insulin shots ever since.  I was given tools and told this required a complete lifestyle change.  I have tried and tried  and was not very successful.  It's not that I haven't known the information, it's that I wasn't sure how to implement it.  Then came this wonderful program, "Lose to Win."  Now I have been given not only the tools, but this great support system.  It is so awesome to know we have these wonderful friends that we may have never known in any other setting that share recipes, gives us kudos when we reach goals, and encourage us when we are struggling.  And to top it off, I can change behaviors in my life to make me a more successful person, inside and out.

And then there's Connie, a very special woman, that dedicates hours and hours to see we all feel we are accomplishing our personal goals with pride. She takes the time to answer our questions, set up our monthly challenges and finds ways for us to stretch ourselves to become CHAMPIONS! 

Through my years on this earth I have tried almost every diet known to man, and have realized it has nothing to do with dieting, but everything to do with making healthy choices, learning to love myself and to know I am worthy of being healthy!!
This is not just a physical journey.  It's much more than that.  It's a spiritual journey to find out who we really are and what we are truly capable of!     Carol Nield

Before I had my 3rd child I was one of those obnoxious people who could eat anything and everything and not gain weight.  I was always very active and didn't think much about what I was eating.  I have had an up and down struggle since my 3rd was born, losing some and gaining it back.

I think I wanted to lose and be able to eat junky like I did in college. I have come to realize that it has to be a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. 

I had always promised myself that I would never try anything that I felt to be drastic to lose weight. That is what I love about Lose to win.  It is a program that is well balanced, and has enough variety that it is sustainable for life.  I also like the support system it provides.  I have really appreciated the recipe blog as well.  It's nice to have variety.  Thanks to all who have contributed.
Cynthia Kinghorn

 I've been trying to think if there was anything else that I wanted to add about the Lose to Win game besides Jan's excellent definition of the program: Simplicity, Balance and Sustainability. I think that just about wraps up my feelings. The only think I would add is the program is  stage of life friendly; it works for the spicy young chicks to the well seasoned woman, all feel welcome and supported and all can achieve their own positive results. The game has given me direction and momentum. It's been a blessing in my life.

There is one drawback to losing weight. My wrinkles are now more visable in my face, so I have to smile more to lift them up and my husband is always wondering what I'm up to.

Thank you Connie and you awesome ladies!!!    Fern Hanson

When I first go into this program, I thought why does this simple program work so well?  And I realized that in a nut shell it is all the good things we have been asked to do from the Word of Wisdom.  I feel growing up all that was POUNDED into me was what not to do: don't smoke, don't 'drink', don't do drugs; along the way I missed the what TO DO, it is that list of eating the right foods and taking care of our bodies that has a huge impact on the promise, "ye shall walk and not weary, ye shall run and not faint."

(Um I am still, however, working on the not faint while running, lol.  I'll let you know when that blessing is realized for me!)   Brittany Nelson

What kind of diet do you miss when you aren't doing it? This one! Maybe because it is more like a lifestyle. When I am playing this game, I feel like I am at the top of my own game. It keeps me accountable and motivates me to be a better person. I feel better physically, spiritually, and mentally. It works for me because I can make it work around my life of a husband who is gone all the time, four crazy little boys, and a tight budget.  And in the meantime I have lost thirty pounds! Now don't get me wrong, it's not always easy, and sometimes I revert to old ways. But the,n I how I realize again how it feels to be out of control. And the built in support system to get back on track is amazing! Yes, I can honestly say that I miss it when I'm not playing!        Melissa Veigel