Our "Lose to Win" Gamers have come together to share healthy recipes as they battle the "All American Diet". Browse through our collection of healthy recipes to get you feeling at the top of YOUR game!

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Garbanzo Bean Tortillas!

Okay, I'm a fan.  I've been off wheat for awhile trying to eliminate headaches.  I just came off a 10 day juice cleanse and found this recipe.  I just tried it this morning and used the shell to wrap a lot of yummy veggies in it with a little Vegetable Broth Seasoning Mix sprinkled on top. 

Combine a cup of the organic garbanzo bean flour with ½ teaspoons of salt and pepper.  Then add 1 ½ cup of luke warm water and 3 Tablespoons of olive oil.  Mix it all together, cover and let sit.  The longer the better – at least 30 minutes, but up to a couple days.  Then, preheat your over to 450 degrees with a small 7 or 8 inch skillet inside.  Once preheated, pull the skillet out, add a little butter or coconut oil and pour the batter in a stream until it reaches the outside of the pan.  Bake for 6 or 7 minutes.  Then I turned my broiler on low and broiled for like 3 or 4 more minutes.  Basically, just get the batter to set and turn brown.

I also tried just doing this on the stove top (which was much faster and worked great!)

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